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STUDIOS residency in workspace wpZimmer

Last week, STUDIOS students had a residency in the workspace wpZimmer in Antwerp, as part of the course 'Contextual labs': an intensive but fulfilling week of interactive learning, sharing and exploring.
They followed a work programme in which various wpZimmer employees shared their expertise with the students. The programme included discussions with the artistic team about the mission and functioning of the house, a master class on communicating about artistic work, a master class on setting up and managing one's own productions, and a two-day introduction to stage techniques (light and sound). Herewith some pictures of their work and studio experiments.

24/02/2021 - Pictures 1,2,3,4 by wpZimmer

Picture-by-wp Zimmer-2
Picture-by-wp Zimmer-1
Picture-by-wp Zimmer-3
Picture-by-wp Zimmer
PARTS-workshops wp Zimmer-February-2021