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To close the academic year, we will dance with the Training students into the Summer at the biannual Dance Festival DANSAND! in Ostend.

P.A.R.T.S. is a regular and welcome guest at Dansand!, a festival for dance and movement.
In the past there have been numerous creations with guest choreographers, site-specific performances and graduation works.
This year, the Training students work with guest choreographers Benjamin Vandewalle (Birdwatching 4x4) and Ingri Fiksdal (Swarmy Swarm).

Both performances play several times in public space.
More info:

With his location performance ‘Birdwatching 4x4', Benjamin Vandewalle is once again heading to the sea after 11 years. The mobile box will move again on the Ostend dike, in its wake: our Training students and a movable wall. Inside the box: 20 (un)acquaintances watching the outside world pass by as in a documentary film.
This performance uniquely combines the poetry of the everyday outside world with interventions by dancers, twists reality with tricks of the eye, and mixes the authentic and the staged.
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In Ingri Fiksdal's ‘Swarmy Swarm’, a large variety of different dance expressions exist coevally within a choreographic structure. The work draws from the various embodied archives of the performers and their manyfold dance backgrounds.
'Swarmy Swarm' travels through space - from the dyke to the beach - as a large, buzzing cloud where a constant play with rhythm and syncopation is the driving force.
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Screenshot 2023 06 28 at 16 05 10