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Laura Bachman

Laura Bachman (France, 1994) studied ballet at the Paris Opera ballet school from 2005 to 2011, before becoming a member of the Paris Opera Ballet in August 2011. With the Opera’s company, she performed in classical ballet productions such as La Bayadère, Giselle or Sleeping Beauty and worked with many choreographers, performing in pieces from Wayne Mcgregor, Benjamin Millepied, John Neumeier, Pina Bausch and more. She also toured with the company around the world dancing in Moscow (notably at the Bolchoi theatre) or in Japan and Australia. Laura has worked with LA Dance Project, Benjamin Millepied's company, for a few month in 2016. From Anne­ Teresa de Keersmaeker oeuvre, Laura performed in Rain and Bartók / Beethoven / Schoenberg with the Paris Opera Ballet, before joining Rosas in August 2016 for the revival of Rain.