Calvin Carrier / Over-time

A YouTube comment on Kraftwerk’s song The Model says it quite well: ‘listening to early electronic music is like listening to a brighter future that never happened’. I have always wished for music to exist as more than just sound. A song is 3 minutes of music, but it’s also: dancing, space travel, badness, love, conversations, listening, sitting, faces, new planets, fiction, impossibility, all brought to reality by sound and storytelling.
In over-time Calvin Carrier explores his desire to create a song that could dance and speak for itself. Navigating through and conversing with Applicant (1961), a text by Harold Pinter, Room 29 by Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales and his fictional collaborator Chumprolo, who shares with him his poetry, original music and movement phrases.
Concept and performance: Calvin Carrier
Mentor: Theo Livesey
Artistic Support: Estefanía Álvarez Ramírez, Luis Ramírez Muñoz
Residency support: CAMPO Kunstencentrum, VOLTA
Special thanks to: Steven Peeters
Calvin Carrier is a musician and dancer based in Brussels. Born in 1997 in London, UK to an English father and Italian mother. In 2016 he moved to Brussels to join the twelfth Training Cycle at PARTS, in 2019 he began the STUDIOS program. Aside from performing, Calvin plays bass guitar amongst other instruments and has always loved music; playing, singing, composing and listening. His latest EP release from his SniggyJamz project was his first experimenting with rap. Calvin is also a big supporter of Liverpool FC.
Website Chumprolo
Instagram Chumprolo
Website SniggyJamz
Thursday June 17, 2021 / 20h / ⧖ 2h incl. break
Friday June 18, 2021 / 20h / ⧖ 2h incl. break
Over-time is part of a double bill, you always buy a ticket for 2 performances
Location: Rosas Performance Space - Avenue Van Volxemlaan 164, 1190 Brussels
For tickets (7€) click here
Practical info here
All pictures by Anne Van Aerschot