Pays charmant et radieux
Où la rose alpine fleurit,
Où le glacier, de nouveaux feux,
Le soir s'empourpre et resplendit.
Pays qu'habite un peuple heureux,
Ami de la simplicité,
Intrépide et laborieux,
Gardant sa foi, sa liberté.
- Hymne valaisan -
Charming and radiant country
Where the alpine rose blooms,
Where the glacier, new fires,
In the evening, it glows and shines.
A country inhabited by a happy people,
Lovers of simplicity,
Fearless and hardworking,
Keeping their faith, their freedom.
- Hymne valaisan -
I want to tell you about my country, a Switzerland, a silence and an appearance...
Performer - Laetitia Dupertuis
Sound, light - Laetitia Dupertuis
Technician - Antoine Dupuy-Larbre
Dramaturg - Laetitia Dupertuis & Piero Ramella
Moral supporter & assistant - Benjamin Turrian
Length: 30 min.
Language of the piece: English, French
Accessibility: audience seated
Laetitia Dupertuis was born in Switzerland, in Valais, at the age of 0. Janet Held became her first dance teacher at the age of 6. Her creativity and fantasy gave Laetitia the desire to pursue her quest in what is called DANCE. Until that time, Laetitia has never heard of contemporary dance. It was by chance and thanks to her mother that, at the age of 13, she left her "patelin" and met this dance, so difficult to define, at the Conservatoire Cantonal du Valais, under the guidance of Dorothée Franc. With surprise, Laetitia became attached to this so controversial dance form... or... maybe it was Dorothée Franc's passion that has spread through her body... This remains a mystery! In 2019, Laetitia took a step forward and left Switzerland to join... BELGIUM! She joined P.A.R.T.S. and became aware of many things. She lived 10 years in 3 years. Now that it is the end, diploma in hand, what will happen? To be continued... It is likely that she will become a physiotherapist and that she will apply for artistic projects as a freelancer, as she would love to participate in choreographers' creations, or that she will become a tree.
“Edelweiß” is part of Saturday 2nd July Program A
Saturday 2nd July / Program A / 16:00 / ⧖2h and 15 minutes (including two intervals)
Venue: P.A.R.T.S. - Avenue Van Volxemlaan 164, 1190 Brussels
For TICKETS click here
Practical info here