Eimi Leggett / The Search for Liveness

The Search for Liveness invites audiences to witness two perspectives of reality; one that is the body presented to the audience and one that is the body projected through devices. The performance serves as an experiment, juxtaposing two ways of experiencing the body, both of which can be seen as 'live'. My research into the power dynamics of virtuality and liveness has led me to question what makes an artwork “alive” and breathing. Is it something about the synchronicity of time, space and action, more than the fact of actually being present in the room?? How would a Tiktok girl perform for both mediums? Would the experience be affected by also seeing what is outside of the frame, what is not chosen to be seen on the device of the performer?
Concept & performance: Eimi Leggett
Mentor: Ula Sickle
Residency support: STUK - House for Dance, Image & Sound, Studio Zaman
Tiktok inspiration: @reesehardy7
Eimi Leggett was born in Sydney AUS and raised in both Tokyo JPN and London UK. She had been trained in Ballet from an early age, and when moving to London at 14, she joined a theatre school along with CAT program at LABAN. Upon graduation, she joined The London Contemporary Dance School, from 2013-2016, then relocated at Performance And Research Training Studios ( PARTS) in Brussels where she trained as part of the Training Cycle, proceeding to the STUDIOS program in 2019.
In the past she has been interested in topics such as the context surrounding performing a piece, ( Where, Which audiences, When in history, when in personal history ) which she explored in “I have somethings to say” which is a recurring piece which will continue to happen every 3 years.
She has also been researching the cultural appropriation of a mixed race woman in, “ I feel very at home in here” which the research journey has grown into a topic surrounding the in-betweenness of an identity. During the research she has been interested in body history or body dance history where she explored different cultural dances that she has been exposed to and by doing so attempted to find her own movement.
Website Eimi Leggett
Instagram Eimi Leggett
Teaser I feel very at home in here (last year's work)
Tuesday June 15, 2021 / 20h / ⧖ 2h incl. break
Wednesday June 16, 2021 / 20h / ⧖ 2h incl. break
The Search for Liveness is part of a double bill, you always buy a ticket for 2 performances
Location: Rosas Performance Space - Avenue Van Volxemlaan 164, 1190 Brussels
For tickets (7€) click here
Practical info here