PARTS@WORK #7: Wednesday 22/5 at 19h
In PARTS@work #7, students Maureen Bator and Wai Lok Chan present a work they have created with composer and researcher Pablo Ossandon Valdes and a group of musicians.
As part of the end of his PHD research, Pablo Ossandon, composer and researcher in contemporary dance, questions the possible relationship between dance and music. Setting aside the relation between pulsation and synchronism, he poses the question of an auto-poietic relationship between music and dance, integrating all the elements present in the staging. The theme of the piece (loneliness) came out from an interview with the dancers in relation to their fears, desire. The scenography is designed as two rooms, divided by a fabric, that show the inner life of each, until the meeting of the other. The subject is the paradox of living in a hyper connected world where one becomes more and more alone, where the contact has become virtual.
For this work, Pablo collaborated with Maureen Bator and Wai Lok Chan (PARTS) during three months, as wel as with six young artists from the different Brussels schools, which allowed a meeting between talents of different arts in a common project:
Clarinet: Raphaëlle Ribouillault - Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels
Cello: Elisabeth Lèfebvre - Conservatoire royal Brussels
Piano: Marina Delicado - Lemmensinstittut Leuven
Video: Adèle Gregoire - INSAS
Scenography: Louise Vandervorit - La Cambre
Electric guitar and composition: JIji Florez - Royal Conservatory of Mons.
Free entrance, no reservations, limited capacity!