Stanley Ollivier / PARADE

PARADE is the result of a research on the encounter and on the possible clash between distinctive performance disciplines. For this first part, my interest lies in the multiple strategies provided by the entertainment industry to produce laughter and amuse an audience, such as Cabaret, Musical, Stand-Up Comedy, Mime etc.
PARADE is inspired by a study of these techniques and references, with a focus on physical comedy and its power to manipulate the body for a humorous effect. The idea is not to try to do what might be funny, but using these skills to develop different materials and respond to the circumstances at hand, just as one would in real life.
Concept, choreography: Stanley Ollivier
Performed by: Mooni Van Tichel and Stanley Ollivier
Research: Jean-Baptiste Portier, Mooni Van Tichel and Stanley Ollivier
Dramaturgy/ Choreographic assistant: Lily Brieu-Nguyen
Mentor: Christine De Smedt
Image: Joachim Guex
Residency support: Pianofabriek Kunstenwerkplaats, Kunstencentrum CAMPO, Joji
Special thanks to: Jean-Baptiste Portier and Lily Brieu-Nguyen
Stanley Ollivier is a dancer, performer, maker from Paris, France. Coming from a gymnastic background, he decided to change his path from a need for creativity, and went to study dance and musical at the International Dance Academy Of Paris (AID). He left to continue his studies in Contemporary Dance at the CNSMDP in Paris. Stanley joined the Training Cycle at PARTS in 2016 and the STUDIOS program in 2019. His artistic practice stems from the belief that a body has infinite possibilities to generate the unexpected and challenge the abstract, imaginative, and perceptive power of the human body. He is interested in physical investigations, including but not limited to movement. He works around the questions about identity, humor, absurdity and versatility. Likewise, he is an active member of the Vogue Ballroom Community, he is part of the Iconic House Of Ninja in Paris, France and the non-profit organisation For All Queens (FAQ) in Brussels, Belgium.
Website Stanley Ollivier
Trailer of past work
Saturday June 19, 2021 / 20h / ⧖ 2h incl. break
Sunday June 20, 2021 / 20h / ⧖ 2h incl. break
PARADE is part of a double bill, you always buy a ticket for 2 performances
Location: Rosas Performance Space - Avenue Van Volxemlaan 164, 1190 Brussels
For tickets (7€) click here
Practical info here
All pictures by Anne Van Aerschot