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Michael Helland US

Working at the crossroads of theatrical presentation, exhibition-based contexts, and public art modalities, Michael Helland makes creative interventions aimed to foster social connectivity and help folks face the dark uncertainty of the future with love and light. In addition to leading dance, yoga and mindfulness workshops, he is a bodyworker certified in Ayurvedic Yoga Massage. In 2019 he facilitated the Temporary Body Worker Union at Workspacebrussels and completed the Conscious Living yoga teacher training program at Yyoga. His research-in-action RECESS was awarded a 2017 Flemish research grant and presented in New York, Brussels, and Berlin. He works as an artistic assistant to Daniel Linehan and Mette Ingvartsen and has appeared in the works of Maria Hassabi, Christian Bakalov, Isabel Lewis, Tino Sehgal, Heather Kravas, Xavier Le Roy, Eleanor Bauer, and Marina Abramović, among others. He has been honored with a New York Dance and Performance Bessie Award, Danceweb scholarship, and Jardin d'Europe Wild Card residency. Helland holds degrees in Dance and in Community, Environment, and Planning from the University of Washington in Seattle, where he was also an Integrated Graduate Education Research Training Fellow in Urban Ecology.