en nl

We organize winter workshops in November ‘24 and in January and February ‘25.

Are you a young aspiring dancer/choreographer?

P.A.R.T.S. organises a number of activities to get familiar with the school and the program, as a first step in the preparation of the next round of auditions, which will take place from December 2024 till March 2025.

During the winter of 2024-2025, you can actively take part in three workshops with a variety of classes: contemporary dance classes, composition, yoga, repertoire, theory, creative practice, etc. The program of the workshops focuses mainly on candidates for the Bachelor Training program.

You have to be minimum 16 and maximum 25 years old. There are no specific requirements for the type, volume and duration of previous dance training you have had, but the workshops are aimed at people who are considering applying for a full-time professional dance and choreography training in 2025. The Winter Workshops also include an information session about P.A.R.T.S. Capacities are limited, so it is mandatory to register.


Saturday November 2 & Sunday November 3
Max. 50 participants (2 groups)
Fee €100

Friday January 3 & Saturday January 4
Max. 50 participants (2 groups)
Fee €100

Thursday February 13 & Friday February 14
Max. 50 participants (2 groups)
Fee €100

You have to register through our online registration form.
We can only confirm your reservation after we have received the fee for the workshop.
Cancellations cannot be reimbursed.



Saturday November 2
Group A
09:00 - 09:45
09:45 - 11:15
Ballet - Libby Farr
11:30 - 13:00
Contemporary - Jacob Storer
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Rosas Repertoire - Sue-Yeon Youn
17:30 - 18:15
Info session about P.A.R.T.S. with Charlotte Vandevyver
Group B
09:00 - 09:45
09:45 - 11:15
Contemporary - Jacob Storer
11:30 - 13:00
Ballet - Libby Farr
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Creative practice - Manon Santkin
17:30 - 18:15
Info session about P.A.R.T.S. with Charlotte Vandevyver
Sunday November 3
Group A
09:45 - 11:15
Contemporary - Youness Khoukhou
11:30 - 13:00
Theory - Tessa Hall
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Creative practice - Manon Santkin
Group B
09:45 - 11:15
Theory - Tessa Hall
11:30 - 13:00
Contemporary - Youness Khoukhou
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Rosas Repertoire - Sue-Yeon Youn


Friday January 3
Group A
09:00 - 09:45
09:45 - 11:15
Yoga - Stéphane Bourhis
11:30 - 13:00
Contemporary - Laura Aris
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Payatt INtransit - Rakesh Sukesh
17:30 - 18:15
Info session about P.A.R.T.S. with Steven De Belder
Group B
09:00 - 09:45
09:45 - 11:15
Contemporary - Laura Aris
11:30 - 13:00
Yoga - Stéphane Bourhis
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Composition - Michael Pomero
17:30 - 18:15
Info session about P.A.R.T.S. with Steven De Belder
Saturday January 4
Group A
09:45 - 11:15
Contemporary - Laura Aris
11:30 - 13:00
Ballet - Libby Farr
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Composition - Michael Pomero
Group B
09:45 - 11:15
Ballet - Libby Farr
11:30 - 13:00
Contemporary - Laura Aris
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Payatt INtransit - Rakesh Sukesh


Thursday February 13
Group A
09:00 - 09:45
09:45 - 11:15
Ballet - Lise Vachon
11:30 - 13:00
Contemporary - Youness Khoukhou
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Theater - Kunno Bakker
17:30 - 18:15
Info session about P.A.R.T.S. with Steven De Belder
Group B
09:00 - 09:45
09:45 - 11:15
Contemporary - Youness Khoukhou
11:30 - 13:00
Ballet - Lise Vachon
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Music Analysis - Mattijs Van Damme
17:30 - 18:15
Info session about P.A.R.T.S. with Steven De Belder
Friday February 14
Group A
09:45 - 11:15
Contemporary - Gabriel Schenker
11:30 - 13:00
Yoga - Niloufar Shahisavandi
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Music Analysis - Mattijs Van Damme
Group B
09:45 - 11:15
Yoga - Niloufar Shahisavandi
11:30 - 13:00
Contemporary - Gabriel Schenker
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:15
Theater - Kuno Bakker
WinterWorkshop at P.A.R.T.S. | Photo by Tine Declerck - Graphic Design by Paul Boudens


Ballet for contemporary dancers with Libby Farr

The ballet class is set up for the dancer to observe and reevaluate their body in the classical structure of a ballet class, with the objective of focusing on strengthening the dancer’s awareness of their own natural alignment and experience. The class is divided into two parts: the barre and the centre work. Exercises at the barre emphasize isolating the joints to find where the movement begins and to wake up the dancer’s awareness to find their own functional alignment and efficiency. The second half of the class, conducted in the centre, continually challenges the dancer to use the newfound experiences when shifting weight, finding flow in transition, momentum, and dynamics when executing the ballet vocabulary, with the goal of finding more freedom and expression.

Contemporary Dance with Jacob Storer
This contemporary technique class is based on weight transfer with an anatomical approach to coordination and ease. Engaging personally and working in pairs to examine tools of touch and sensation, the class will develop through concepts of experiential investigation and improvisational research, culminating in a movement phrase incorporating the principles of connection between internal space and the space that surrounds and supports us.

Repertoire Rosas Danst Rosas with Sue-Yeon Youn
The workshop of Rosas Danst Rosas will teach you the phrase material and the structure of the 1st and 2nd movement (which is on the floor or in the chair), where repetition plays the lead role. Dancing with four people in a complex structure and being in perfect unison are the challenges. Learning how to listen and breathe together and how to feel each other’s energy. The actual material lies at the heart of the movement work of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. Experience the contrast of rigid structure and full emotion that will give intensity to the movements. Learn how to let go and be in control at the same time.

Contemporary Dance with Youness Khoukhou
In this class, we will begin with a small section of floorwork as a warm-up, focusing on foundational principles of movement. We’ll then transition into short rhythmic phrases and structured movement sequences. Through these exercises, we’ll emphasize key elements such as rhythm, time suspension, and listening, and explore how to incorporate these concepts as essential parts of your movement.

Theory The Place of Women in Western Art History with Tessa Hall
During this session, we will trace the place of women in Western art history. Taking visual and written arts as a starting point, we will consider the obstacles women have historically faced as artists, as well as discover examples of specific women who managed to create space for themselves (and others) through their practices. We will arrive at 20th-century female choreographers and question what makes their place in history unique. Shifting into current times, we will look at the presence of 4th wave feminism in contemporary arts. This workshop offers a taste of theory at P.A.R.T.S.

Creative practice Multimodal attentiveness with Manon Santkin
The practice of the dancer is a very complex one, involving moving one’s body, paying attention to one’s direct surroundings, and the things and people inhabiting it. In this, various senses are activated and used: modes of perception, sensibilities, preferences, imaginations, etc. During our 3-hour workshop, we will work around the action of « perceiving », practicing it and noticing how it guides our attention (and by extension, how it offers possibilities of responding to it with movement). It will be an occasion to get acquainted with the notion of « multimodal attentiveness » and notice the movement(s) of your own attentiveness while you move and dance. Through various movement practices (individual and with partners, sometimes involving touch, interaction, or speech), we will take a journey into perception, not only as something that happens spontaneously but as a site of cultivation and composition. In this class, the subjective approaches and experiences of each mover are key. I often work with open tasks, following specific guidelines and a framework where the participants figure, follow, and try to recognize their own curiosity. Using language and attempting to name your subjective experience always comes into play in one form or another over the course of the session. Come as you are, with an explorative mindset preferably.


Yoga with Stéphane Bourhis
The teaching of Yoga following the BKS Iyengar methodology is based on in-depth study and practice of asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (art of breathing), with rigor, intensity, and precision of the body alignments. During the class, we gradually explore the outer and the inner geometry of the body in different groups of postures and movements.

Contemporary Dance Power Sources. Revisiting and Moving Forward with Laura Aris
In this contemporary dance class, we will revisit fundamental technical elements such as weight transfer, spatial awareness, the use of breath, and the diverse qualities and textures of motion. We’ll also explore how the intention behind movement enhances precision, reminding us that even the basics hold both depth and complexity. This is about resetting and advancing our practice to build a solid foundation for future growth. Throughout the class, we’ll maintain a delicate balance between structured dance phrases and opportunities for improvisation within defined tasks and frameworks. This approach creates a space for technical exploration and personal growth, ensuring a dynamic and engaging learning experience that will keep you on your toes.

Payatt INtransit workshop with Rakesh Sukesh
Payatt INtransit is a contemporary movement technique that merges movement principles from the ancient Indian martial art form of Kalaripayattu with yogic practices, pranayama (breath work), and energy work to activate the body’s energy sources. This comprehensive approach trains practitioners in a manner that is safe, organic, and yet rigorous, empowering them to become more confident, relaxed, flexible, and powerful. By incorporating pranayama, this training not only sharpens reflexes but also deepens our connection to our breath, enhancing our ability to cultivate a constant sense of inner calm amidst physical exertion. The class challenges both our physical and mental limits, encouraging us to be quick and energetic in our movements while maintaining a state of mental calmness and relaxation, undisturbed by the intensity of physical activity. Through the practice of pranayama, we learn to control our breath, which in turn helps us to isolate the intense physical aspect of the class from the constant calm within. This empowers us to gain complete control over our movements rather than being controlled by them, enhancing our ability to adapt to unexpected situations and make innovative yet efficient choices. By combining our physical energy with the energy around us, and integrating the power of controlled breathing, we achieve a harmonious balance of body and mind.

Ballet for contemporary dancers with Libby Farr
The ballet class is set up for the dancer to observe and reevaluate their body in the classical structure of a ballet class, with the objective of focusing on strengthening the dancer’s awareness of their own natural alignment and experience. The class is divided into two parts: the barre and the centre work. Exercises at the barre emphasize isolating the joints to find where the movement begins and to wake up the dancer’s awareness to find their own functional alignment and efficiency. The second half of the class, conducted in the centre, continually challenges the dancer to use the newfound experiences when shifting weight, finding flow in transition, momentum, and dynamics when executing the ballet vocabulary, with the goal of finding more freedom and expression.

Composition with Michael Pomero
In these afternoon workshops, we will discuss the notion of composition in the broadest sense, then explore practical tools and choreographic procedures together, paying particular attention to the relationship with sound and music.


Ballet with Lise Vachon
This ballet class provides the opportunity to explore qualitative elements that help develop suspension and volume through breath work. We will focus on using clear spatial directions from within the body and extending outward into the space. Expansion, weight shifting, grounding, and opening the gaze will be emphasized to achieve extension and lightness while jumping. Additionally, we will work with musicality as an active partner to highlight specific technical tools and movement qualities that are present in ballet and transferable to other dance forms.

Contemporary Dance with Youness Khoukhou
In this class, we will begin with a small section of floorwork as a warm-up, focusing on foundational principles of movement. We’ll then transition into short rhythmic phrases and structured movement sequences. Through these exercises, we’ll emphasize key elements such as rhythm, time suspension, and listening, and explore how to incorporate these concepts as essential parts of your movement.

Theatre with Kuno Bakker
The workshop will give you a taste of the theatre workshop taught at PARTS during the first and second years. It playfully explores how to work with text, how to use your body and voice to play with words and meaning, and how to approach a text from content, but also from rhythm and musicality. It is an invitation to find freedom and joy in theatre.

Contemporary Dance with Gabriel Schenker
Based on the work developed by the Brussels-based company ZOO/Thomas Hauert, as well as through my own practice, I will bring to this class a series of practices, tasks, and exercises aimed at challenging symmetric coordination and habitual movement patterns.

Yoga with Niloufar Shahisavandi
This workshop offers an opportunity to revisit the foundations of various asanas and their key actions. The goal is to help participants develop a deeper physical and mental understanding of the asanas and their effects on the body, mind, and soul, especially during the cold and dark winter months. Participants are encouraged to share their interests and questions during the workshop to help adapt the practice to their individual needs.

Music Analysis with Mattijs Van Damme
During the upcoming session, we aim to set up a deep listening practice and to trigger a profound feeling for graphic music notation, which gains personal value and facilitates communication and understanding of diverse musical phenomena and experiences. We focus on works that nourish listeners and dancers, compositions that sharpen the ear and mind, by such composers as Ph. de Vitry, J.S. Bach, Th. De Mey, A. Webern, G. Ligeti, and others.