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PARTS@WORK#5 in the frame of VOLXEM 2024, SATURDAY JUNE 29, 2024 - 17H - PERSONAL WORK

It is with great pleasure that we invite you for the very last PARTS@WORK of this academic year!This edition takes place in the frame of the second, and more extensive edition of VOLXEM 2024 on Saturday 29 June. The Volxem district in Forest/Vorst is rich in venues dedicated to contemporary art, and this year no less than 13 of them invite you for a convivial day of (re)discovery. A single ticket gives you access to all spaces with more than 15 exhibitions to discover and to a special programme of guided walks, group visits, a salon sale and performances.

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A big thanks to everyone involved in this amazing journey!We went through an incredible edition, those who were present will no doubt confirm that.Last year, 12 participants from the Master program STUDIOS started their adventure at P.A.R.T.S. For two years, they completed a collective trajectory in which both physical practice, movement research, master classes, cultural exchange projects and theoretical seminars alternated with their own research and creation. The graduation works were the capstone of this course.

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From May 23rd until June 15th, the MA STUDIOS students present their graduation works at the Graduation Festival, with the generous support of Kaaitheater, Pianofabriek Kunstenwerkplaats & WIELS.Come and discover the work of:Adem Ouhaibia ⧫ Ching Shu Huang ⧫ Géraldine Haas ⧫ Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek ⧫ Jair Jetzehu Montes Rangel ⧫ Judith Dhondt ⧫ Marikki Nyfors ⧫ Marlla Araújo ⧫Mira Maria Studer⧫ Osamu Shikichi ⧫ Rania Barhoumi ⧫ Urtė Groblytė

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Gaasbeek for website


Over the last years, outdoor physical labour has increasingly become a source of inspiration for Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker.For 2 consecutive years, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Corentin Hannon initiated the workshop ‘Hand power, horse labour and dance’ during Summer. They gathered a diverse group of dancers and non dancers, who shared an interest in outdoor labour and agriculture.

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Unbounded : Preliminary Studies in Algorithmic Choreography - CASSIEL GAUBE + T.H. + P.A.R.T.S. - TUE FEBRUARY 27, 2024

For this year’s X-week of artistic practice, PARTS invited Cassiel Gaube to work with the 39 Bachelor Training students. During this week, they will explore how a seemingly infinite variety of choreographic compositions can be created using a limited number of rules. Through experimentation with these tools, a series of choreographic sketches emerge. The result of this intensive one-week workshop is shown at Concertgebouw Brugge, in the frame of the Festival Bits of Dance.

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Winter Workshops 2024

25 extra places for the WINTER WORKSHOP of Wed-Fri January 3-5, 2024!

On popular demand, we have created 25 extra places for the WINTER WORKSHOP of Wed-Fri January 3-5, 2024!Are you a young aspiring dancer/choreographer between the ages of 16 and 25P.A.R.T.S. organizes a number of activities to get familiar with the school and the program.During the winter of 2024, you can take part in two workshops with a variety of classes: contemporary dance classes, theater, pilates, creative practice, ballet, music analysis, etc.

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R.I.P Janet Panetta (1948-2023)

PARTS and Rosas mourn the passing away of ballet teacher Janet Panetta.Janet Panetta was involved with PARTS from its very start, in the workshops that preceded the foundation of the school in 1995. She also taught the Rosas dancers many times in those years. She developed a teaching practice that taught ballet to contemporary dancers, not to make them perform ballet repertoire but to make them more aware of the architecture of their bodies and what they can do with it. She worked with many students who discovered ballet only during their audition from the school, but she managed to include them in her teaching as much as those who had been at the barre since they were 4 years old. With her warm and generous persona, articulated by loud roars of laughter, she inspired many generations of dancers in PARTS and in the other places where her career led her over the decades.

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PARTS@WORK#2: TUE-WED-THUR 12-13-14 DECEMBER, 2023 - 20h

Showing of Trisha Brown’s Set and Reset/Reset, re-created and interpreted by the 40 Training students.During a four-week intensive workshop, the students of the 2nd year Bachelor Training program worked with Diane Madden, Kathleen Fisher and Samuel Wentz on ‘Set and Reset/Reset', based on a choreography of Trisha Brown that premièred in 1983 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (New York) which went on to transform dance history.Training Tutor and teacher Diane Madden was part of the original cast in 1983.

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P.A.R.T.S. recherche un.e responsable des affaires é pour une durée indéterminée (80%)

FunctieomschrijvingJe bent verantwoordelijk voor de praktische organisatie & administratie van het studentensecretariaat. PARTS is een internationale school, waar jaarlijks ongeveer 25 nationaliteiten vertegenwoordigd zijn. De verantwoordelijke studentenzaken is voor hen een belangrijk ankerpunt.Over P.A.R.T.S.P.A.R.T.S. is een internationale school voor hedendaagse dans in Brussel. P.A.R.T.S. organiseert twee dansopleidingen: Training is een driejarig Bachelorprogramma voor aspirant-dansers en choreografen, STUDIOS is een tweejarig specialisatietraject met focus op jonge makers. De studentengemeenschap bestaat uit een 50-tal studenten met een diverse achtergrond.

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Ingrid Maes

Rosas cherche un·e cuisinier·ère pour sa cantine

Rosas zoekt een talentvolle kok die gepassioneerd is door gezond en duurzaam eten voor de bedrijfskantine van onze professionele dansers, muzikanten, studenten, docenten, technische en administratieve omkadering, en onze bezoekers.Deze kok kan - bij voorkeur - koken volgens de macrobiotische principes of is bereid om hierin bij te leren. Als zelfstandig werkende kok speel je een cruciale rol in het bereiden van hoogwaardige, gezonde, vegangerechten, biologische gerechten en draag je die culinaire filosofie uit. Je werkt met seizoensgebonden, biologische en lokale ingrediënten en je draagt duurzaamheid en 'zero waste' hoog in het vaandel.

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We are very excited to invite you for the very first PARTS@WORK of the academic year 2023-24!PARTS@WORK#1 takes place on Sunday, Nov. 12, at 3 pm and has a student-curated program composed of personal work of the 2nd year Training students.DISCOVER THE PROGRAM HEREF R E E entry – everybody welcome - no reservation is neededDoors open at 2:30pm - showing starts at 3 pm - end foreseen around 5:30pm (break included)Venue: P.A.R.T.S. Avenue Van Volxem 164, 1190 Forest

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Workshop Gaasbeek 2023 PARTS Kevin Lambeets2


For the second time, PARTS organized a workshop in the fields this summer - exploring a range of (traditional) techniques from agriculture: mowing with the scythe, wood lumbering, haymaking, pulling exercises with draught horses, making fire, cooking together - guided by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Cassiel Gaube (dance), Corentin Hannon and Eva Fillet (from Cordeva / horses) and Kevin Lambeets (from Zeis & Bijl / scythes).

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We are proud to share that the re-branded edition of ‘SummerProgram 2023’ was a beautiful & rewarding success.Some numbers:Summerschool 2023, that was 5 weeks, 60 classes & workshops, 3 levels, 4 programs, 800 participants, 33 teachers, and an ∞ amount of dancing joy.SummerResidencies 2023, that was 5 weeks of free studio space in 4 studios for 24 participants with 4 coaches and 3 thematic labs for more than 30 young makers & professionals.With the support of the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie.

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Kickoff of the Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership on Diversity in European Higher Dance Education.

From 13 to 16 September, University College Utrecht (NL) will host the launch of a research project on diversity in higher dance education. PARTS (Brussels), La Manufacture (Lausanne, CH), Stockholm University of the Arts (SE) and University College Utrecht will collaborate intensively for two years on the question of how, as internationally oriented institutions, dance schools deal with diversity and the fight against discrimination within their structures.

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20230630 Benjamin Vandewalle Birdwatching 4x4 cc DECLERCK Tine HR12 min

This was DANSAND! 2023

To close the academic year, the students of the 1st year BA Training program performed at the 8th edition of the biannual Dance Festival DANSAND! in Ostend.This year the Training students worked with guest choreographers Benjamin Vandewalle (𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘥𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 4𝘹4) and Ingri Fiksdal (𝘚𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘺 𝘚𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮).Once again, Tine Declerck captured the magic!A big thanks to everyone involved in this amazing weekend, what a blast, what a festival!

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To close the academic year, we will dance with the Training students into the Summer at the biannual Dance Festival DANSAND! in Ostend.P.A.R.T.S. is a regular and welcome guest at Dansand!, a festival for dance and movement.In the past there have been numerous creations with guest choreographers, site-specific performances and graduation works.This year, the Training students work with guest choreographers Benjamin Vandewalle (Birdwatching 4x4) and Ingri Fiksdal (Swarmy Swarm).

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2023 04 20 PARTS Mario Barrantes Espinoza HR cc Tine DECLERCK 9

Throwback to the 3rd X-week at PARTS with Mario Barrantes Espinoza

An intensive one-week workshop of artistic practice for the first year Training studentsDuring an X-Week, the normal operation modus of the school is suspended. Invited artists can work a whole week with the students, in or outside school. We ask the artists to unveil their way of approaching art towards the students. For April's artistic practice, PARTS invited partner organizations Labolobo, Platform K and the artist Mario Barrantes Espinoza.In the spotlight: STUBBORN BODIES / STUBBORN KNOWLEDGES, a workshop guided by Mario Barrantes Espinoza around migration experiences as worldbuilding tools.

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2023 04 20 PARTS Platform K HR cc Tine DECLERCK 7

Throwback to the 3rd X-week at PARTS with Platform-K

An intensive one-week workshop of artistic practice for the first year Training studentsDuring an X-Week, the normal operation modus of the school is suspended. Invited artists can work a whole week with the students, in or outside school. We ask the artists to unveil their way of approaching art towards the students. For April's artistic practice, PARTS invited partner organizations Labolobo, Platform K and the artist Mario Barrantes Espinoza.In the spotlight: the workshop with Platform-K, an inclusive dance company based in Ghent with a Brussels’ workspace at P.A.R.T.S.

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2023 04 20 PARTS Labolobo HR cc Tine DECLERCK 6

Throwback to the 3rd X-week at PARTS with Labolobo

An intensive one-week workshop of artistic practice for the first year Training studentsDuring an X-Week, the normal operation modus of the school is suspended. Invited artists can work a whole week with the students, in or outside school. We ask the artists to unveil their way of approaching art towards the students. For April's artistic practice, PARTS invited partner organizations Labolobo, Platform K and the artist Mario Barrantes Espinoza.In the spotlight: the group working with Labolobo.

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P.A.R.T.S. cherche un responsable administratif et financier

Binnen P.A.R.T.S. ben jij verantwoordelijk voor de uitvoering en de opvolging van de boekhouding. Je houdt toezicht op het financieel beheer van de school. Je stelt de begroting voor en volgt de financiële toestand van de organisatie op de voet. Je kan collega’s vlot aanbevelingen geven als er nood is aan nieuwe investeringen, aankopen en projecten. Je ondersteunt het team bij het samenstellen van administratieve dossiers en financieringsaanvragen.

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Drumming floor

PARTS@WORKS#4 Showing of Rosas repertoire ‘DRUMMING (fragments)’ - Thursday & Friday March 30-31, 2023 - 19h

It is with great excitement that we invite you for the public showing of ‘Drumming (fragments)’ performed by the first year bachelor Training students in the Rosas Performance Space.During a four-week intensive workshop, the Training students have worked in 3 groups on the Rosas repertory ‘Drumming’, guided by Sue-Yeon Youn, Laura-Maria Poletti, Cynthia Loemij and Clinton Stringer. ‘

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The Henry van de Velde Lifetime Achievement Award 2023 for graphic designer Paul Boudens

We are very proud to share that graphic designer Paul Boudens received the Henry van de Velde Lifetime Achievement Award 2023.Paul Boudens has been a longtime partner of P.A.R.T.S (since 2005) for all our graphic design for the auditions, SummerSchool, Graduation works & tour, and much more. Paul was also responsible for the graphic design of our twentieth anniversary book “20 years – 50 portraits”.

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And then it got legs c Mette Edvardsen

Book launch by Jeroen Peeters, with Jonathan Burrows and Sara Manente - Thursday November 24 - 19h

And then it got legs: Notes on dance dramaturgy" Book launch by Jeroen Peeters, with Jonathan Burrows and Sara ManenteFree entrance - no reservations - 7pm - P.A.R.T.S.Drawing on his experience in the field of contemporary dance, in "And then it got legs: Notes on dance dramaturgy", Jeroen Peeters discusses principles, methods and practices that contribute to an understanding of dramaturgy as an experimental, collaborative practice and a material form of thinking.

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Appel à participants - Programme d'échange P.A.R.T.S. / Ecole des Sables au Sénégal 9 janvier - 10 février 2023

Du 9 janvier au 10 février 2023, P.A.R.T.S. initie un projet d'échange entre un groupe de danseurs-chorégraphes africains et un groupe d'étudiants de PARTS à l'Ecole des Sables, Centre International des Danses Africaines Traditionnelles et Contemporaines à Toubab Dialaw, Sénégal. L'Ecole des Sables a été fondée par la danseuse et chorégraphe Germaine Acogny, et est depuis 2021 sous la direction artistique d'Alesandra Seutin et Wesley Ruzibiza.Comment postuler ?

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2022 10 26 LR PARTS Zambrano Debrulle cc Declerck Tine8

PARTS@WORK - Showing of “Passing through” by David Zambrano - Thursday October 27th 2022 - 18h

It is with great pleasure that we invite you for the very first public showing of Generation XIV: “Passing through” by David Zambrano on Thursday October 27th at 18h in RPS.During a three-week intensive workshop, the students of the 1st year Training cycle have worked with David Zambrano on 'Passing Through', an improvisation structure exploring the infinite possibilities of moving within a group in a set timespace.

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Génération XIII - un podcast documentaire, un voyage de trois ans dans la vie de cinq étudiants de PARTS.

Aujourd'hui, les trois derniers épisodes du podcast Génération XIII sont lancés et online.En juillet 2022, la 13e génération d'étudiants du programme “Training” à P.A.R.T.S. a obtenu son diplôme de Bachelor, et cette histoire est donc également terminée.Un parcours remarquable capturé en 5 portraits, 6 épisodes et un épilogue.Les épisodes 5 et 6 portent sur l'année de remise des diplômes 2021-22.Avec un épilogue, une dernière rétrospective des protagonistes Eleni, Marlla, Renato et Zoé.Vous voulez en savoir plus ?

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2022 09 05 PARTS Opening Gen XIV cc DECLERCK Tine LR9

Ouverture de la nouvelle année académique 2022-23

Le 5 septembre, PARTS a démarré avec une nouvelle génération d'étudiants !Les étudiants de la génération XIV ont débuté leur 1ère année du cycle de Training bachelor 2022-25. Ils sont 41, représentant 18 nationalités différentes sur quatre continents.Le 26 septembre, le programme STUDIOS de 2 ans commencera pour la deuxième fois avec 12 participants de 12 pays différents.Suivez l'actualité de nos activités publiques sur ce site !

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2022 07 03 PARTS Graduation Gen XIII cc DECLERCK Tine LR2

Graduation of Generation XIII

We finally got there and how! After three eventful years, Generation XIII - "the resilient generation" - ​graduated last Sunday and was awarded for the very first time with a Professional Bachelor degree in Dance. The ceremony was warm & emotional with family & friends coming from all corners of the world, and with the supporting presence of the whole team of teachers, (ex-)staff, tutors, faculty, board members and all friends of PARTS (and let's not forget to mention that the buffet was exquisite).So we want to thank e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e who has made this day an unforgettable one!

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GXIII book


We are more than delighted to welcome you to the EXiiiT Festival.To mark the end of their studies at P.A.R.T.S., the students of Generation XIII have been busy organizing and curating the EXiiiT festival. EXiiiT will be their most extensive collective project yet! Composed of performances, exhibitions, discussions, and other activities, the festival is a chance for the public to encounter the emerging artists who make up Generation XIII and gain insight into the work they have been doing over the past three years.All INFO about the program >>Practical info and TICKETS here>>We hope to see you soon!

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R.I.P. Linda Raymond (5/9/1954-13/5/2022)

PARTS pleure le décès de Linda Raymond-Dougher. Depuis 2006, tous les deux ou trois ans, elle donnait des cours d'anglais aux étudiants nouvellement arrivés pendant le premier semestre ou pendant l'été qui le précède, les aidant à atteindre le niveau requis pour suivre des cours quotidiens en anglais. Linda était une enseignante toujours enthousiaste, d'un grand soutien et inspirante. Son importance allait bien au-delà de l'aide qu'elle apportait aux étudiants pour améliorer leur anglais : elle les responsabilisait, les mettait à l'aise dans un nouvel environnement, et aimait vérifier leur développement en tant que danseurs lors de présentations et de spectacles. Elle est décédée le 13 mai après une longue maladie.

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2021 11 26 ws Mette Ingvartsen PARTS DECLERCK Tine LR7

PARTS@WORK#4 - Saturday March 26, 7pm

It is with great pleasure that we invite you for the public performance PARTS@WORK#4 on Saturday March 26th, 2022.PARTS@WORK#4 consists of several pieces - all personal work - of the 3rd year students from the Bachelor program Training.For the first time, entrance is not for free.The ticket revenue goes integrally to Vluchtelingenwerk to help refugees all over the world forced to flee their homes.There is a suggested price (5 EUR), but you decide what you can pay.No reservation is needed but the capacity is limited.

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Guest creation 2022 Philipp Gehmacher Olympe Tits164

P.A.R.T.S. Guest creations 2022 - March 30-31-April 1 - Tickets are for sale as of today!

We are more than delighted to welcome you to the performances of the Guest creations 2022.In the 3rd year of the BA Training program, choreographers are invited to make a piece together with a group of students.In 2022, PARTS invited three choreographers: Tamara Cubas (Uruguay), Philipp Gehmacher (Austria) and Fabrice Mazliah (Switzerland/Germany). Each of them worked 8 weeks with a group of 8-13 students. From March 30 until April 1, 2022, you can discover the results during 3 evenings in the Rosas Performance Space.

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PARTS STUDIOS Flyer 2022 beeld


P.A.R.T.S. is calling for new participants for the master program STUDIOS 2022-2024: a 2-year full time research program for young dance-makers & choreographers who want to develop their creative voice and practice in contemporary dance.The STUDIOS (MA) program is aimed at students who have obtained at least a BA degree in dance or choreography (or another BA and equivalent professional experience in dance), with strong dance and performance skills and a creative practice that is rooted in studio work.P.A.R.T.S. aims for a group of 12 participants between 21 and 27 years old.

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Picture by Olympe Tits4

Throwback “Today At The Station” by Maria Hassabi in the frame of SLOW 2022!

This weekend the 3rd year bachelor students participated in the third edition of SLOW festival in Bruges. A big thanks to e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e involved for these amazing past few days!On Saturday the students moved for 12 hours in a row through the train station in Bruges. Slowly, a movement score unfolded in space. Passersby were captivated by the colourful constellations and thoughtful actions.“Today At The Station” is a choreography by Cypriot artist Maria Hassabi that focuses on slowing down and stillness. Their movements were accompanied by a soundscape of the Greek composer Stavros Gasparatos, especially created for this occasion.

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Maria Hassabi Thomas Poravas

P.A.R.T.S. at SLOW Festival in Bruges train station - Saturday February 5th

Don’t miss this one time opportunity to see our students from the 3rd BA Training perform collectively! This weekend the students take part in the third edition of SLOW festival in Bruges In a society that is all about rushing forward, Concertgebouw Brugge gives you 36 hours to stop and reflect.On Saturday, February 5th, about 35 PARTS students will move through the entrance hall of the Bruges train station. From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., they will perform a choreography by Cypriot artist Maria Hassabi that focuses on slowing down and stillness. Their movements are accompanied by a soundscape by the Greek composer Stavros Gasparatos.Let this choreography stir you for a moment and take the time to stop and zoom in on the details.

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2021 11 04 Ching shu PARTS DECLERCK Tine HR2

PARTS@WORK#3 - Sunday January 30th, 3pm

We are very excited to invite you for the public performance PARTS@WORK#3 on Sunday January 30th, 2022.PARTS@WORK#3 consists of several pieces - all personal work - of the 3rd year students from the Bachelor program Training.Free entrance – no reservation is needed but the capacity is limited - with CST.Doors open at 14h30 - showing starts at 15h sharp (latecomers are not admitted)End foreseen at 17h15 Duration: 2 hours (with a break of 15 minutes).

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REGISTRATIONS for the third and last WINTER WORKSHOP (Feb. 26-27, 2022) are OPEN.

To get familiar with the school and the program. P.A.R.T.S. organizes a number of activities for those interested in applying for the Training (BA) cycle auditions in the spring of 2022.Are you a young aspiring dancer/choreographer considering participating in the auditions for the Training program of 2022-2025? During the winter of 2021-2022, you can actively take part in three long weekends with a variety of workshops.

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We are more than delighted to announce EXTRA AUDITIONS for our upcoming BA Training program 2022-2025 in Brazil (São Paulo) , Iceland (Reykjavik), Finland (Helsinki), Germany (Hamburg), Hungary (Budapest) and Tunisia (Tunis).REGISTER NOW because it’s going fast: the preselection in Paris on Saturday January 15th is full. We gladly refer candidates to the nearest pre-selection in Brussels on saturday January 8th, where there are still places available. All info about the program, the preselections, the audition process & REGISTRATION:read more >>

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REGISTRATIONS for the second WINTER WORKSHOP (Jan. 5-7, 2022) are OPEN.

To get familiar with the school and the program. P.A.R.T.S. organizes a number of activities for those interested in applying for the Training (BA) cycle auditions in the spring of 2022.Are you a young aspiring dancer/choreographer considering participating in the auditions for the Training program of 2022-2025? During the winter of 2021-2022, you can actively take part in three long weekends with a variety of workshops.

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PARTS@WORK#1 - Sunday October 10th at 16h

You are very welcome to join us on Sunday October 10th for the first PARTS@WORK of this academic year 2021-22. PARTS@WORK#1 consists in several pieces - all personal work - of the 3rd year students from the Bachelor program Training.We look forward to your visit and would like to remind you that a valid Covid Safe Ticket is required to attend this performance. Anyone aged 12 years and older must present a valid Covid Safe Ticket (or EU Digital COVID Certificate) in the form of a QR code (digital or printed) as well as a piece of identification with picture.Please take into account the extra CST control and arrive well on time.

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Live streamed interviews with Theo Van Rompay

On Sunday September 26th, Rosas and PARTS celebrated the retirement of Theo Van Rompay, co-founder of the school who worked as deputy director for more than 25 years. As part of the celebrations, Theo was interviewed by journalist Anna Luyten, theatre maker and political activist Dominique Willaert and choreographer Jonathan Burrows. During the conversations, they touched upon different aspects of his professional career at and beyond PARTS.

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Summer ‘s here

We feel very fortunate to have rounded off the academic year 20-21 with a whole series of internal and public performances, both from the Training and the STUDIOS students, in Brussels and Oostende.On September 6th, we will restart with the third and last year of the Bachelor’s program TRAINING. Also in September, a first generation of students in the Master's program STUDIOS will graduate. We are very proud to award, for the very first time, an Academic Master degree in Dance.

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P.A.R.T.S at DANSAND! festival in Ostend

To close the academic year we will dance into the summer at the DANSAND! festival in Ostend. DANSAND! is a festival for dance and movement. This year the focus is on encounter and connection with a three-day program full of performances at special locations. P.A.R.T.S. is a regular and welcome guest at DANSAND!, in the past there have been numerous creations with guest choreographers, site-specific performances and graduation works. This year, the Training students present a series of solos.

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Dance Day - the 6th edition on Saturday 24 april 2021

"This is not a form of resistance unless you dance, make a risky move to stand a chance". Using the song "The World As It M$$$F Is" and its quote from John the Houseband as a starting point we will venture out into the city of Brussels for two days. Finding a way on how we as dancers can relate to the state of the present world. On the first day we will visit several nursing homes in Forest transforming their daily view on the outside world into spectacle. The next day will be an invasion of 35 dancers moving through brussels, always on the move, with colourful costumes, filling the public space with derailed corona-proof activities aspiring to create a brief sense of liberty. During the week, they will also be working on a video performance outdoors, you can find all the videos here.

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Training students work on Trisha Brown repertoire

Over the last five weeks the students from our Bachelor programme Training got to work on the repertory of Trisha Brown’s Son of gone Fishin’ (1981). They immersed themselves in the material under the guidance of two company members, Samuel Wentz and Leah Ives. Our tutor Diane Madden, who has a rich history with the Trisha Brown Dance Company, curated the workshop project and prepared the students for this block by transmitting the phrase material and in depth technical knowledge throughout her contemporary technique classes.

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Génération XIII – un podcast documentaire, trois ans à travers la vie de cinq étudiants de PARTS

Aujourd'hui a lieu le lancement officiel de Génération XIII, un podcast documentaire sur 5 danseurs, 3 ans, 1 école : le portrait d'une génération à PARTS.Le podcast documentaire Génération XIII dresse le portrait de la génération qui étudie à PARTS depuis septembre 2019, à travers les expériences et les voix de cinq étudiants suivant le programme Bachelor “Training”. Sociologue Delphine Hesters suit Eleni de Grèce, Kia de Nouvelle-Zélande, Marllon du Brésil, Renátó de Hongrie et Zoé de France tout au long de leurs études, jusqu'à l'été 2022.

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STUDIOS en résidence à workspace wpZimmer

La semaine dernière, les étudiants de STUDIOS étaient en résidence dans l'atelier d'art wpZimmer à Anvers, dans le cadre du cours "Contextual labs".Ils ont suivi un programme de travail dans lequel différents employés de wpZImmer ont partagé leur expertise avec les étudiants. Le programme comprenait des discussions avec l'équipe artistique sur la mission et le fonctionnement de la maison, une master class sur la communication sur le travail artistique, une master class sur la mise en place et la gestion de leurs propres productions, et une introduction de deux jours aux techniques scéniques (lumière et son). Voici quelques photos de leur travail et de leurs expériences en studio.

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Devenez un Ami de P.A.R.T.S.

Nos étudiants viennent de partout dans le monde, ils sont divers en termes d'ethnicité et d'environnement culturel. Leurs parents occupent des positions différentes dans la société. Certains peuvent facilement prendre en charge les frais d'études de leur enfant, pour d'autres, c'est un obstacle impossible à franchir.PARTS sélectionne les étudiants uniquement sur la base de leur talent. Afin d'assurer l'accès à l'école à toutes les personnes sélectionnées, la P.A.R.T.S.FOUNDATION a été mise en place. Elle n'a qu'un seul objectif : collecter des fonds pour les bourses de nos étudiants. Et vous pouvez nous aider !Plus d'info ici.

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Teaching at PARTS: Diane Madden

Last week Diane Madden concluded 3 weeks of teaching contemporary technique to the 2nd year students of the Training Cycle. In her class, Diane Madden is building up material and skills towards a longer Trisha Brown repertoire workshop in Spring 2021, in which students will be creating their own version of Brown’s “Son of Gone Fishin’” 1981.Diane has been giving workshops at PARTS based on Trisha Brown’s repertoire for many years. Since 1980 Diane has been an integral part of Trisha Brown’s work: as a dancer, rehearsal director and Associate Artistic Director.It is a special honour for PARTS that Diane Madden is associated with the school for the entire Training Cycle, from 2019-2022.

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A farewell and new beginnings

On the first day of the new academic year 2020-21, Theo Van Rompay, co-founder of P.A.R.T.S., stepped down as Deputy Director of the school. He will retire on September 1st, 2021 and during the last year of his employment he will focus on a number of special projects.Charlotte Vandevyver, previously coordinator of the STUDIOS program, took up her position as the new deputy director of P.A.R.T.S. With Director Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, a new female duo will now lead the school. As an addition to the team we also welcome Yannick Roman as the new Financial and Administrative Manager.

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Open air classes with David Hernandez

The academic year is running towards its end, the Summer holiday is just around the corner.On Saturday June 27th we organized the last open-air class in Duden park with David Hernandez.Since May 18 - when the National Security Council decided that training outdoors for group sports was allowed again – we have organized a weekly 90’ outdoor dance class in the park for a group of maximum 20 people. A very welcome relief for all the students that have been locked up in small Brussels spaces with no access to flowery backyards, mountain-view meadows or sunny beaches. Luck was on our side, the weather was always very nice.

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No more classes in PARTS this academic year, due to corona crisis

The school management has decided to suspend all classes until the end of the academic year. The safety of students and teachers cannot be guaranteed as social distancing is in many cases not an option for a dance school. Moreover, our studios are not big enough to work with groups of 20 students, while a permanent distance of 1.5 meters should be kept between all dancers.The online classes for the students will continue until the end of June. Many PARTS teachers have made great efforts to adapt their teaching practice to online teaching, including technique teachers for ballet and contemporary dance.

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Cancellation SummerSchool 2020 due to the corona Crisis

Much to our regret, we have to announce that the eleventh edition of SummerSchool 2020, planned from July 13th to August 14th, will not be able to take place. The risk of infection by the covid-19 virus is still very present, and despite a currently slightly improving health situation, there are no guarantees at all that classes and workshops could take place in safe conditions. Provisions for social distancing will almost certainly still be in place during the summer. This makes the dance classes and workshops that were planned impossible. A very intensive use of our studios by a very large group of dancers, in ever-changing line-ups, is completely forbidden according to today's safety regulations, and remains almost certainly not recommended during the summer months.

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PARTS remotely

While we all confine ourselves at home to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, PARTS offers its students an alternative online program with live streamed classes. For the Training cycle we organise daily online yoga classes with Laia Puig Escandell and Stephane Bourhis, a weekly Pilates class with Gabriel Schenker, and 3 times a week contemporary technique classes with Diane Madden, who adapted her class to small confined spaces and remote exchange. For the workshop on William Forsythe’s Improvisation Technologies, teachers Fabrice Mazliah, Tilman O’Donnell and Liz Waterhouse worked out an assignment especially adapted to living rooms, concluding with a collective improvisation on zoom. Furthermore, we started the music project with Noé Soulier and Tom Pauwels, in collaboration with musicians from the Contemporary Music programme of School of Arts Ghent, and the philosophy seminar with Ludo Abicht.All of these live stream sessions are recorded so that the students can access again at a later date.

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SummerSchool 2020 registrations remain open!

Given the current circumstances, we are unable to guarantee that the SummerSchool can take place. A final decision will be made by June 1st, 2020. However, we have decided to keep registrations open and to add a Covid-19 section to our cancellation policy.1. In case, we cancel due to negative advice from the Belgian government regarding the Covid-19 virus, all participants will receive a 100% refund.2. In case, the participant cancels due to negative advice from their country of origin regarding the Covid-19 virus, the participant will receive a 100% refund.Updates on the SummerSchool will be posted on our website. In the meantime, you can email with additional questions or click here to find out more about our programme.Thank you for understanding and stay well!

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This week is X-week, a week of artistic practice for the 1st year Training students!

During an X-Week, the normal operation modus of the school is suspended.The invited artists can work a whole week with the students, in or outside school. The subject may be composition or improvisation, but also politics or visit museums and exhibitions. We ask the artists to unveil their way of approaching art towards the students. For this week of artistic practice PARTS invited the artists Stina Nyberg & Zoë Poluch, Diederik Peeters and Ula Sickle.

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PARTS-February-2020- Ingrid-Maes

Public talk: Vinciane Despret in conversation with Bojana Cvejic - Wednesday 26/02, 18h30

About birds and other animalsPhilosopher Vinciane Despret enters into conversation with Bojana Cvejic about her work, following a seminar for the students of the Studios programme.After philosophical and psychological studies, Vinciane Despret specialized in ethology, the study of animal behavior, and became fascinated by the humans who work with animals. Borrowing a path from philosophy of sciences, her work combines ethological and psychological research with the goal of understanding and explaining how scientists build their theories, how they interact with historical and social contexts, and what relation is established between them and animals.

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Final presentation at Ecole des Sables !

Throwback to the public presentation "Exchanges" of last Friday, a final sharing of the 5 weeks during exchange project between Ecole des Sables and PARTS.Thank you Ecole des Sables for your hospitality.Thank you Ogutu Muraya (Kenya), Faustin Linyekula (Congo), Panaibra Gabriel Canda (Mozambique), Nadia Beugré (Ivory Coast) and Qudus Onikeku (Nigeria) for sharing your artistic practice so generously.Thank you to Ise An Verstegen (Netherlands), Patrick Acogny (Senegal/France), Mamadou Baldé (Senegal), Ntone Edjabe (Cameroon), Saky Bertrand Tchébé (Ivory Coast) and the musicians for transmitting your technique and insights on African dance.And thank you all participants for your curiosity and hard work!

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PARTS@WORK#3 – Saturday 8/02, 15h (program 1) & 18h (program 2)

You are very welcome to join us for the public presentation of the theatre workshops of the 1st year Training students.Free entrance – no reservation is needed.Doors open at 14h45 (program 1) and 17h45 (program 2), the performances start at 15h and 18h sharp (latecomers are not admitted).Each program consists of 2 pieces, 4 in total. There is a short break between the 2 programs. You are welcome to watch both of the programs !Program 1 at 15h :Group of Carly WijsGroup of Thomas RyckewaertProgram 2 at 18h :Group of Eva SchramGroup of Scarlet Tummers

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This week in pictures : Acogny technique by Ise Verstegen at Ecole des Sables !

Ise chose Acogny and Acogny chose her.In her work as a dance artist Ise Verstegen interweaves worlds with an inclusive, transcultural vision and body language. Since 2008 she has been working closely with Germaine Acogny, the mother of modern African dance. Acogny technique is a dance technique and philosophy based on West African and Western dances. Ise's work and transmission start from embodiment, connection, collectivity and the respect, possibilities and natural strength of each body through rhythm and movement. From here she addresses social issues.Ise Verstegen is a teacher at the Amsterdam Academy of Theatre and Dance (AHK), and she works internationally and nationally as an 'Acogny dance-practitioner'.

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Conférence 6/11 à 19h30: Thomas Talawa Presto: The Black Body as an Archive & What you are trained not to see

Cette conférence est centrée sur les pratiques de l'art de la diaspora africaine en tant qu'archive, résistance et transformation. Elle adopte une approche afrogénique, en restructurant les "géographies de la raison" et en abordant les différentes lignes temporelles, genres et pratiques sous l'angle du rythme en tant qu'institution mobile. Il cherche à sortir du domaine de la mystique, de l'obscurité et des tropes pour passer à l'accès, au droit à l'opacité et à l'accessibilité. La conférence cherche à entrer courageusement dans la conversation inconfortable et difficile avec la perspective d'une généreuse rage noire.

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PARTs @ Camping Asia

Du 18 au 29 novembre, le Taipei Performing Arts Center et le Centre national de la Danse (Paris) organisent la première édition de Camping Asia. C'est un événement où plus de 100 étudiants de 12 écoles d'art de toute l'Asie et du reste du monde se réunissent pour travailler et apprendre ensemble.4 de ces écoles viennent de l'extérieur de l'Asie, et PARTS en fait partie. Les 14 étudiants du programme Studios participeront à l'événement, partageant leur pratique de la danse lors d'ateliers de peer-to-peer les matins, montrant leur travail lors du Marathon des Ecoles (23/11), et participant à des ateliers de chorégraphes tels que Trajal Harrell, Angela Goh, Prumsodun Ok, Su Wen-chi, Mathilde Monnier et autres.Visitez le site de Camping Asia pour plus d'informations !

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PARTS 2019-2020

En 2019-2020 PARTS commence avec une nouvelle génération d'étudiants et un nouveau programme !Le 2 septembre, les étudiants de la Génération XIII ont commencé la première année du cycle Training 2019-2022. Ils sont 40, représentant 24 nationalités différentes des cinq continents.Le 23 septembre, le nouveau programme des Studios démarre, avec un programme de 2 ans avec 14 participants de 11 pays différents. Visitez le site de temps en temps ou abonnez-vous à la newsletter pour être informé des activités publiques!

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Charlotte Vandevyver nouvelle directrice adjointe de PARTS à partir de 2020

Le 1er septembre 2020, Theo Van Rompay (1954), co-fondateur de P.A.R.T.S., quittera ses fonctions de directeur adjoint de l'école. Sa succession est déjà assurée, puisqu'un an plus tôt, en septembre 2019, le nouveau programme " Studios " démarrera, pour lequel un coordinateur a dû être nommé. Charlotte Vandevyver (1982) mettra en œuvre ce nouveau programme "Studios" à partir du 1er mai 2019. Le 1er septembre 2020, elle prendra ses fonctions de directrice adjointe de P.A.R.T.S., pour diriger l'école avec la directrice Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker.

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